UPC Barcodes

Get your UPC numbers with no renewal fees

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EAN Barcode Number

Get EAN Codes To Extend Your Business

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  • UPC & EAN Versions
  • BMP & EMF Images Included
  • Certificate of GTIN Assignment
  • Excel Spreadsheet of Numbers
  • Works on Amazon, Ebay, Google Shopping!
  • Amazon.com Approved
  • High-quality Image Quality
  • 100% Low Price Guarantee!
  • Perfect for Retail Stores
  • 8 Hours Turnaround
  • Much Helpful for Online Business
How Many Barcodes Do I Need?
Each different product you sell requires its own barcode. For example, if you sell a t-shirt that comes in one color and 3 different sizes you would need to buy 3 barcodes. If the t-shirt comes in 2 sizes and 3 colors you would need 6 barcodes. This way, if one of the colors/sizes is selling faster than the others, the store can simply look in their computer and see which one needs to be replenished without having to do a manual shelf count. This same formula applies for all styles, colors, flavors, sizes or any other variation of your product. They all need their own unique barcode.
How does information get linked to my barcode?
There is no information actually stored or encrypted in a barcode. When you go to sell your product at a store, that store will have you fill out a product information form. On that form is where you will put your company and product details as well as your 12-digit UPC barcode number. The store then manually enters that information into their inventory management computer. This way, when they scan your barcode at the register, it calls up that form in their system. In other words, the barcode is simply a link between your product and the product information form you fill out for each store that sells your product.
No, your barcodes will never expire. Once the barcodes are issued to you, they will never be issued to anyone else and they are yours for life.
Will my barcodes work for any retail product?
Yes, all retail products in the United States (except for magazines and books) require what is called a UPC barcode. Whether you need a barcode for your t-shirt, CD, toaster, or whatever, our barcodes will work for you.
Will I ever have to pay renewal fees for my barcode?
No. All of our barcode fees are one-time only and you never have to pay any renewal fees or future fees of any kind. Because we joined GS1 / U.C.C. in 1999, before they started charging renewal fees (August, 2002), we don’t have to pay renewal fees. Therefore, you don’t have to pay renewal fees.
Yes, the barcodes work for Amazon. There is a great deal of misinformation about UPC barcodes and Amazon’s requirements in various Seller Forums. To be very clear, the barcodes we sell will work perfectly fine on Amazon. Cross-checking with the GS1 database is not something Amazon automatically does. This only occurs if you select an advanced option AFTER you list your products that says “Create My Own Brand.” If you select that option, they offer cross-checking the GS1 database as one of 4 possible ways to verify your brand ownership. For some reason, Amazon has chosen to use misleading language on their website and it is causing a lot of unnecessary concerns. If you simply do not check the advanced option of “Create My Own Brand” you will not have any issues whatever.
Will a barcode I purchase on this web site be unique to me?
Yes. The barcode you purchase from this web site originates from GS1 and is guaranteed to be unique. You are the only person in the world who can legally use that barcode number.
Will my barcodes work outside the United States?
Yes, the barcodes will work anywhere that barcodes are scanned – which is most of the modern world. This includes Canada, Australia, the UK, Europe, Asia, Mexico, South America, the Middle East, and anywhere else that they use barcodes.
When I search the GS1 database, a different company comes up, not mine. Why?
The GS1 prefix owner name doesn’t change in the database even though UPCs do change ownership all the time, hence why an unfamiliar company may show up. All that company means in the GS1 database is that the code is GS1 verified. The name in the database is the original prefix owner, not the current UPC owner. Your code will work fine on Amazon/Google/iTunes, etc. without issue, and we offer a money back guarantee.
Amazon changed their policy, do your codes still work?
Yes, our codes still work, just as they have for 15+ years. Some people suggest that Amazon won’t accept 3rd party codes, but this is not true. They simply want GS1 verified codes, and not “air codes” that don’t verify with the GS1. Our codes verify with the GS1 and are accepted on all major platforms and services, including Amazon.

Popular Codes Plans

$0.7 / PCS

50 PCS

  • UPC & EAN Versions
  • Certificate of GTIN
$0.25 / PCS

500 PCS

  • UPC & EAN Versions
  • Certificate of GTIN
$0.12 / PCS

2000 PCS

  • UPC & EAN Versions
  • Certificate of GTIN

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